One Simple Technique to Elevate Your Academic Performance

Time and Time again, we as students, teachers, and/or parents try to figure out if there is a way to lower the stress level of a student today.  The average student surely finds himself/herself overwhelmed by the amount of information he or she needs to soak in order to first pass school/college examinations and then to land a job in today’s competitive job market.   Apart from studies, students need to juggle extracurricular activities, personal responsibilities, peer pressure, and sexual issues, etc.   Amid such chaos, it is important to find ways to combat and manage stress, improve productivity and creativity and live a harmonious life.   One practice that has gained popularity in recent years is Yoga Nidra.  Yog Nidra is a scientifically proven, powerful technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

The Benefits of Yoga Nidra for Students

Getting up Early:  As students juggle many responsibilities, time becomes scarce, and the only way they can create more time is by waking up early.  Yog Nidra is a great way to program your mind to help you get up early.  One of my students, Mark, goes through a session of Yog Nidra just before going to bed.  He feels it helps him to sleep faster and improve his quality of sleep.  Thus even if you sleep for about 5-6 hours, Yog Nidra will compensate for the lack of sleep and help you get up early.  Getting access to those extra two hours can help you beat your competition and achieve your goals.

Goal Setting:   Yog Nidra is a great tool to aid in focusing your mind on your goals.  The goal may be as simple as getting up early every day or studying 8 hours a day.  Every evening before going to sleep a 20-minute session with an affirmation to get up early or hit your target of studying 8 hours can encourage you to get up the early the next morning and/or meet your target of studying 8 hours a day.  One can start by doing this for a month and then once the habit starts to form, you can reduce the frequency of Yog Nidra.

Reducing the Fear of Exams: 

Yog Nidra can help you mentally prepare for your exams by reducing fear, anxiety, and stress associated with it.   So, everyday you can go through a Yog Nidra session where in you simulate sitting in the examination room of that very paper which you dread and coming out of the exam room looking confident, happy, and content.  This simulation will help you to reduce anxiety on the day of exam.  The mind does not know what is real and what is not.  So, the more you visualize a positive outcome for your exam day and simulate the exam experience in your mind, the better you will be able to manage your anxiety. 

An instance comes to my mind, when my wife was taking her law exams and on exam day when we reached the examination center, she froze.  She stated that she had forgotten everything and that she was stressed out and very anxious about the result.  She still had half an hour before the exam and so we decided that she go through a quick 15-minute Yog Nidra session.  Post the Yog Nidra session, she felt relaxed and to cut a long story short she cleared the exam with good marks.  So, such sessions can be extremely beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety at the time of exam.

Improving Confidence through Self awareness:  Yog Nidra sessions allow you to become aware of your innermost thoughts and feelings.  This introspection can help you understand your strength and weaknesses.  Students can work on their weaknesses and turn them into strengths.  This boosts overall morale and one can find great confidence in dealing with difficult situations.

Enhanced Concentration and Focus:  Yoga Nidra sessions will help you calm your mind and reduce mental chatter.  This helps to improve concentration and focus.  Students can particularly benefit from this as they need to study for exams and write assignments that require long hours of continued attention.

Increased Creativity and Problem-Solving:  

You cannot be creative when your mind is in turmoil.  Living can be stressful at times.  Yog Nidra helps by quieting the mind and reducing stress.  This is the ground where creativity and problem-solving flourish.  This can help students solve complex math problems, create art, write essays, etc.  So, students may find that they are better able to approach academic challenges with a fresh perspective and come up with innovative solutions after a regular Yoga Nidra session.

Emotional Balance:  Yoga Nidra makes you calmer and helps you to better understand and manage your emotions.  Moreover, it helps you becoming more aware of your inner experiences.  Consequently students can learn to approach and respond to stressful situations in a detached manner and can come up with better solutions compared to an average individual who may fail miserably at that.

The happiness Pill:  Yoga Nidra promotes a sense of overall well-being, including feelings of happiness and enthusiasm.  It is said that if you are miserable and grumpy all the time your life is bound to be miserable.  So, the first thing is to learn to be happy.  Here, Yog Nidra plays a significant role.  Apart from reducing stress and anxiety another positive side-effect of Yog Nidra is that it promotes feelings of joy, contentment, and happiness.  When students feel good about themselves and their mental state, they are likely to perform better academically and in all their extracurricular activities.

Positive Feedback Loop:  Generally, students are living life on the edge wherein their emotions tend to sway them from one extreme to the other.  They can be euphoric one day and depressed the other.  Consequently, a young man or woman may not take kindly to any sort of feedback, no matter how honest.  Yog Nidra brings tranquility and detachment from such feedback.  They are able to take feedback and criticism constructively and can work towards improving themselves.


In conclusion, Yoga Nidra is a powerful tool that can help students sail through the challenges of academic life with greater ease.  By incorporating this practice into their daily routines, students can experience reduced stress, improved sleep, better concentration, and increased creativity and productivity.  As with any new practice, it may take some time to find what works best for you, but the potential benefits are well worth the effort.

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