Understand Weight Loss Equation: HIDE - Halving Intake, Doubling Exercise.

Understand The Weight Loss Equation: HIDE - Halving Intake, Doubling Exercise.


Today mankind is grappling with the after-effects of a sedentary lifestyle in the form of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and the likes.  Of all the above, obesity is a disease which promotes other diseases.  Today there is a lot of awareness in the media regarding obesity and its ill-effects and individuals constantly endeavor to find the most effective weight loss method and a lot of them somehow fail to do so.  However, there is a simple formula, which I term as-The weight loss equation that has time and again proven to give great results.  I like to call it HIDE-Halving the intake, doubling the exercise.  To put it in terms of calorie intake: reduce the caloric intake by half but double the amount of exercise.  The idea is to find a balance between eating healthy and an active lifestyle.  If we can understand this principle behind this formula and are able to incorporate it in our lifestyles, we can definitely achieve our weight-loss goals and live a better life.

The Importance of Caloric Deficit

The first part of the equation is about halving the intake.  When we consume excessive amounts of calories, the body does not throw out everything through defecation.  The body’s autonomic mechanism stores it for later use.  This is our body’s primal instinct where it converts the extra fat into food and stores it in the adipose tissues, generally in the liver and muscles.  We are the refined and evolved version of the primitive man but our bodies still work on the old principles of storing food for the future to prevent starvation.  But instead of starvation, there seems to be an abundance of food and the masses seem to be consuming excessive calories leading to weight gain.  So, if we reduce the number of calories, we can create a caloric deficit wherein the body’s defense mechanism kicks in and utilizes the stored fat for energy.   Although we are reducing food in terms of calories, our aim is to eat a balanced, nutritious diet.  This involves incorporating food and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fat into our diet.   Another hack which I learned from my own weight-loss journey is to eat bland food first and then consume a very small portion of my favorite healthy sweet food.  For e.g., I do not particularly like porridge, so I first somehow eat a bowl of porridge and then eat something sweet like honey, dates, or bananas or mix them in the porridge.   The reason this hack works is that we are addicted to sugar as it provides a sense of satisfaction and our sweet cravings can be satisfied by organic, natural honey or dates.  So coming back to the equation, if you eat two breads at breakfast then you can halve it by eating one piece of bread and supplement it with dates, honey, nuts etc.

The Role of Exercise

Now we know how much to eat, let us look at the other half of the equation- doubling the exercise.  A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest causes of weight gain.  If you do not do any exercise then start exercising.  This can be in the form of walking, running, playing an outdoor game involving physical activity, etc.  Regular physical activity not only helps to burn calories but also helps strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular strength, and maintain an overall fitness level.  Moreover, it helps to boost the metabolism, which in turn burns up more calories post workout sessions.

If you are just starting a workout session or increasing the duration, do it slowly.   The idea is to double the exercise, but it is to be done gradually.  If you are new to running, first walk then walk-run alternatively and only then go all out.  So, any new physical activity that you would like to incorporate in your exercise routine should be done gradually.   For e.g., if you run for 20 minutes then keep adding 5 minutes every week and run for 40 minutes by the end of the fourth week.   Furthermore, make sure you have a mix of aerobic activities and strength training in your exercise regimen.  Aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, fast cycling increase your heart rate and help improve endurance and burn calories.  Strength training will help to build muscles and increase the metabolic rate which helps in long-term weight management.

Finding Balance and Sustainability

Thus, if your goal is to achieve your target weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle then this requires finding a balance between calorie intake and exercise.   Being a yoga practitioner and runner, I have learnt that there is no place for extremes in yoga.  Similarly, I feel one should not commit to extremes while utilizing this equation of halving the intake and doubling the exercise.  Whatever you do, it should be gradual and not extreme.  Extreme approaches or sudden changes are unsustainable for long duration and can even lead to setbacks.   Once again, I would like to reiterate, gradually reduce the calorie intake and gradually increase your physical activity.


HIDE- Halving caloric intake and doubling exercise is a very powerful and practical equation which is one of the best ways of starting your weight-loss journey.  By cultivating healthy eating habits and pursuing an active lifestyle, one can create a practical and viable approach towards weight loss.  But to effectively implement the above equation, three ingredients are necessary, namely, patience, commitment, and a positive mindset.  Thus, embark on your journey of weight loss by adopting the power of this equation and unlocking your potential for a healthier, happier life.

Suggested Reading:

  1. How to Start Running: https://www.marathonyogis.blog/2023/05/how-to-start-running-beginners-guide.html
  2. How to get up early everyday: https://www.marathonyogis.blog/2020/04/how-i-have-been-getting-up-early.html
  3. A leathal combination of running and yoga: https://www.marathonyogis.blog/2020/04/weight-loss-with-runog.html

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