7 Reasons Why an Early Dinner Makes a Healthier You

A few days ago I came across an article by Isabella Cavallo which discusses what nutritionists believe to be the best time to eat dinner. The article talks about eating dinner early, between 5 and 7 p.m. Many similar articles have been written and different reasons cited for eating dinner early. Once such article that comes to mind is “The underrated Pleasures of Eating Dinner Early”. This articles talks about eating habits of different cultures in Europe and America. Lauren Collins, the author, talks about the American culture where eating between 5 and 7 p.m. was the norm in the good old days. She further talks about the French who cannot think of eating before 8:45 and the Spanish where dinner starts at about 11 p.m. and can last until the wee hours. Today you can see more and more people dinning late, mostly because of their jobs, transport times, and when they get time to cook food from other household obligations. East ...