
Showing posts from July, 2023

7 Reasons Why an Early Dinner Makes a Healthier You

A few days ago I came across an article by Isabella Cavallo which discusses what nutritionists believe to be the best time to eat dinner.  The article talks about eating dinner early, between 5 and 7 p.m.  Many similar articles have been written and different reasons cited for eating dinner early.   Once such article that comes to mind is “The underrated Pleasures of Eating Dinner Early”.  This articles talks about eating habits of different cultures in Europe and America.  Lauren Collins, the author, talks about the American culture where eating between 5 and 7 p.m. was the norm in the good old days.  She further talks about the French who cannot think of eating before 8:45 and the Spanish where dinner starts at about 11 p.m. and can last until the wee hours.   Today you can see more and more people dinning late, mostly because of their jobs, transport times, and when they get time to cook food from other household obligations.  East ...

10 well researched drinks for running for Weight Loss!

Introduction A runner’s life is a constant mess, it just does not end with the run.  Ours is a constant quest to get better.  We endeavor to answer questions, like how to maximize performance, what are the best strategies for recovery, and what to eat and drink for nutrition and hydration.  Consuming the right type of fluids is extremely important as they can either make or break your next run.  I have experimented over the years and the below given options are one of the most effective and affordable drinks for either before or after a run.  Use any one you like or use them all and be spoilt for choice. Part 1: Pre-Run Drinks Lemon Water One of my favorite drinks is lemon water.  Water is the ultimate hydrator and to that add a splash of lemon, you have a tonic made in heaven.   It is my go-to thirst quencher.   Lemon as you know is high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and aids in nutrient absorption.  ...

Understand Weight Loss Equation: HIDE - Halving Intake, Doubling Exercise.

Understand The Weight Loss Equation: HIDE - Halving Intake, Doubling Exercise. Introduction Today mankind is grappling with the after-effects of a sedentary lifestyle in the form of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and the likes.   Of all the above, obesity is a disease which promotes other diseases.   Today there is a lot of awareness in the media regarding obesity and its ill-effects and individuals constantly endeavor to find the most effective weight loss method and a lot of them somehow fail to do so.   However, there is a simple formula, which I term as-The weight loss equation that has time and again proven to give great results.   I like to call it HIDE-Halving the intake, doubling the exercise.   To put it in terms of calorie intake: reduce the caloric intake by half but double the amount of exercise.   The idea is to find a balance between eating healthy and an active lifestyle.   If we can understand this principle behind this formula and...

"Mindful Meltdown: Harnessing the Power of Yoga Nidra for Weight Loss in 2024"

Introduction: Our modern world has seen a drastic growth in weight gain in the last 100 years.    A lot of people have suddenly realized that the modern lifestyle has made them overweight.   This has given rise to a variety of fad diets, intense work out programs that have flooded the market promising quick results with minimal effort.   However, the individual looking for a weight loss program is often confused and at times is influenced more by advertisements than sound judgement as to the right approach to weight loss.   One aspect that gets overlooked is the realm of the mind—guided meditation/yoga nidra.   Individuals make great efforts to lose weight with different exercise programs but very little focus is directed towards the mental side of things.   There is lack of insight to maintaining adequate consistent motivation level, setting goals, persistence, taking care of emotional eating, and exercising self-discipline/will power using Yog Nidr...