
Showing posts from June, 2023

You are wrong. Yogic gymnastics is not Yoga.

Introduction Let me take you though a basic yoga definition.  Yoga comes from the word ‘Yuj’ meaning to join, combine, or yoke.  The orthodox meaning of yoga is the union of atma (soul) to paramatama (the supereme being).  For the nonbelievers, yoga practice helps us synchronize our energy vibrations to the cosmic energy vibrations.   In the Bhagvad Gita, the holy book of the Hindus, Sri Krishna explains to Arjun that yoga is a practice which frees us from the clutches of pain and sorrow.  He further says, he who knows the eternal bliss through yoga is not moved by the greatest sorrow.   Pain and sorrow throws our mind into a never-ending whirlpool and so ‘Yoga’ in its essence is a practice to still the mind and sublimate that energy into constructive endeavors. Fast forward to the modern times where instant gratification is the rage of the day, it is not surprising that the would-be-yogis are looking for a fast-track learning program to enjoy holistic well-being through yogasa

The Transformative Power of Guided Meditation(Yog Nidra): A road map to deep relaxation and inner peace

Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation We, humans, are an extremely stressed-out race on this planet.   No other living being can boast of such an elite strained existence as we can.   We have become tightly wound up springs with no time to unwind.   But all hope is not lost, Thankfully, Men and women have discovered ways to unwind themselves to make sure they stay sane and their life remains meaningful and stress-free.    Yoga Nidra or Guided Meditation is one such technique that can help unwind young and old and transform them back from the artificial human that they have become to the happy, loving human that they were supposed to be.     Many have been saved by Yoga Nidra and yet many on this planet are still oblivious of its benefits.   Yoga Nidra as a guided meditation has been practiced for centuries.    To the uninitiated, yoga nidra or guided meditation is a meditative technique wherein a practitioner follows his Guru’s instructions to help go deeper into a deep state of relaxat