Nutrition and yoga

Yoga is a discipline that encompasses the entire aspect of your life.  It is not just a few asanas, breathing practices, and meditation. It is rather a way of life.  The Ashtanga yoga lays down rules and observations for the yoga practitioner.  Though all these rules and observations may not be practical today but a few things cannot be neglected.  The Patanjali Yoga Sutra gives an account of what is to be done while practicing yoga and what should be avoided.  One of the very important aspects in yoga, which is neglected in this modern era, is food/diet.  It is aptly said that you are what you eat.  Without proper food the yoga practice will not bear the desired fruit.  The yogic diet described below is not only good for yoga practice but also good for runners.

The Yogic Diet:  The yogis in India were people who had given up everything in life.  They were practicing yoga to achieve enlightenment. Their goal was a very lofty one and the material way of life was given up.  So, obviously they did not have a lot of food available to them.  The religious aspect forbade eating of meats.  This worked in their favor when practicing advanced yogasanas and Pranayam, Mudras, Bandha and meditation.  The idea was to eat food as little as was available and yet make the body tough enough that it could withstand hunger, starvation, and hot or cold climatic conditions.  So, fruits and milk were the choice of the yogis.  Some went with rice, yogurt, and clarified butter.  At times they would go without food or eat leaves from trees.  They preferred this simple diet which was adequate for their yoga practice.

Today, we are all spoiled for choice.  Do we really need all that food?  Once you start your yoga practice you will realize the futility of eating all the junk food and that simpler your diet, the better it is for your stomach and your overall well being.  Thus the first thing you could do is give up or reduce meat consumption.  Add fruits, vegetables, and salads for beginners.  Once you get into advanced practices, you can switch to rice with clarified butter (ghee) and yogurt.  These will make an amazing difference in your practice and your well being.  The lightness that ensues is highly satisfying and remarkable.

Is this yogic diet good for runners:  I feel the yogic diet is perfect for runners too.  Fruits, vegetables, and salads have high vitamins and minerals and so these can be a good choice.  Long distance runners can opt for rice, clarified ghee and yogurt.  Rice is a good source of carbohydrates and provide fuel for runners, especially long distance.  Ghee is another source of energy and contrary to belief, if taken in moderation and with exercise, helps to reduce weight.  Another addition to runner’s diet could be yogurt, which is an excellent source of protein and calcium and helps to aid digestion by helping good bacteria to grow in the gut.  Apart from the above, coconut water could be an excellent source of natural electrolytes.  It acts as a natural sports drink.  In conclusion, it is definitely good for runners and is at par with any lean meat diet you can come up with.  Given below are some more advantages of a yogic diet.

Advantages of a Yogic Diet:
1.      Lightness:  As explained above, lightness is your friend.  This diet will help you achieve lightness in your entire body.  This will aid in doing asanas.  The byproducts of heavy foods like meat, fat, oil, butter etc., are gas, bloating, upset stomachs.  So it is better to avoid such foods to better your yoga practice.  When you practice asanas, it first gets rid of gross impurities that are accumulated in the body.  It brings about a balance in vat, pitta, and kapha, i.e. air, fire, and water which constitute the human body, as per Ayurveda.  This balancing act results in good health.
2.      High levels of energy and activity:  Ever had the feeling of heaviness after eating meats or too much food.  Heavy foods make us lethargic.  Modern studies have shown that eating less is good for your health.  As per the ancient Ayurvedic system of India we should fill 3/4th of our stomachs with food and water and leave the rest for air/gas.  The aim of a yogic diet is in line with the Ayurvedic principles.  Practice a yogic diet and you will remain energetic and active.  Moreover, you will be alert.  You will feel like you can do more and yet more.
3.      Weight Control:  Light diets aid in weight control.  Today, the choices of foods are unlimited and we have started calling ourselves foodies.  Consequently, we are seeing an increasing weight problem in the population.  A yogic diet will help reduce weight and your efforts towards weight reduction will bear fruit faster.
4.      Getting rid of diseases:  It is said that 80% of the medical conditions are caused due to digestive issues.  Eating too much leads to overworking of the kidneys and it affects their function in the long run.  Accumulation of cholesterol leads to blockages in the heart.  People develop arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, coronary artery disease and heart attacks.  Then we have diabetes, stroke, etc.  So, if we take care of our food habits and eat a yogic diet most of our issues will vanish in the next 6 months to a year.
5.      Aids in getting up early:   This is a fact that light foods at night will help you sleep better and help you rise early.  Robin Sharma, the author of ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’, says one should not eat after 7 o’clock.  So, if we are finished with our dinner by 7, we have enough time to digest the food before we go to bed, say about 10 p.m.  Eating less at night coupled with going early to bed can help you get up early and you can do your favorite physical activity.  This, in turn, again helps to reduce weight.

Thus a yogic diet, which as described above is a light diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, rice, yogurt, clarified butter, is a must if you would like to lose weight or practice yoga or both.  This simple diet can help the world in eliminating many diseases and let people live a healthy and meaningful life.

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