
Showing posts from April, 2020

Nine reasons why weightloss through yoga is better than Exercise

The legend and yoga-guru, T. Krishnamacharya, said yoga must be practiced slowly.  He reasoned that quick moves disrupt the flow of blood.   No wonder the ancient Patanjali Yoga Sutra says, “sthir sukham asanam” that asana is a pose which is steady and comfortable.   Authentic yoga is not exercise.   It needs to be done with surrender and grace. There are no jerky movements in yoga.   Every asana is a meditation in itself.   You can stay in a pose for about 10 minutes and be completely aware of your body, muscles, nerves and that is meditation.   Furthermore, everything you do with complete awareness is a meditation.   So, asana is not separate from meditation.   Similarly, pranayam is also not separate from meditation.   You build your awareness with asana and then with pranayam and prepare yourself for dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi-the goal of meditation.   Thus, asana is the first step towards meditation.   In Today’s world a lot of yoga practitioners do not really understand t

Coronavirus: Can this be the cure?

I have been tracking and researching coronavirus for quite some time now.   At first glance it was some virus from China but then it just went global. The situation started to worsen and till date there is no cure.   It reminded me of the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus in 2002 that infected humans in the Guangdong province of China.   The fatality rate of this virus was 10%, but the total number of cases reported were about 8000.   So the spread rate was less as compared to the coronavirus.   Then we had the MERS-coV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) in 2013.   The death rate was more but the spread rate was less than 3000 people.     Coronavirus is at a different level altogether.   The spread rate is that every 1 patient infects 3 new people.   As per CNN the current worldwide cases are 723000.   The figures are getting alarming.   My research on coronavirus and yoga has brought to light a strategy that could get help to contain this virus. We all k

Want to run easier and Faster? Try these three tested yogic techniques.

Three tested yoga techniques that make running easier Running is a good exercise.   If you can continue running for six months, you will never stop.   A lot of new runners cannot go past the first few weeks as it can be grueling and painful for new runners.   After a few tries they give up. Then we have those who keep coming back to running but are not regular.    For weight loss you need to be consistent.   I always tell my students to be consistent.   Moderation and consistency is the key to success.   If you overdo things you will hurt your body.   This also applies to running.   Moreover, if you do not love running you will discontinue it after some time but with the right approach you can learn to love it.   This article is about making the journey of newbie runners easier so that they are consistent in their approach.   I bring to you three simple techniques that can be practised before a session and running can become easier for new runners.   Moreover, the results are imm

Nutrition and yoga

Yoga is a discipline that encompasses the entire aspect of your life.  It is not just a few asanas, breathing practices, and meditation. It is rather a way of life.  The Ashtanga yoga lays down rules and observations for the yoga practitioner.  Though all these rules and observations may not be practical today but a few things cannot be neglected.  The Patanjali Yoga Sutra gives an account of what is to be done while practicing yoga and what should be avoided.  One of the very important aspects in yoga, which is neglected in this modern era, is food/diet.  It is aptly said that you are what you eat.  Without proper food the yoga practice will not bear the desired fruit.   The yogic diet described below is not only good for yoga practice but also good for runners. The Yogic Diet :  The yogis in India were people who had given up everything in life.  They were practicing yoga to achieve enlightenment. Their goal was a very lofty one and the material way of life was given up.  So,

Yoga and Running: The Perfect Combination for Weight Loss in 2024

Weight loss with "Runog"! People always ask me what is the quickest and the easiest way to lose weight.  I always tell them there are no shortcuts to weight loss goals.  You can pick up any program in the market, commit to it, and over time you will lose weight.  All programs have their own strengths and weakness.  I wanted a holistic program that would not only lose weight but holistically uplift the practitioner.  I did not need to go far as I had it right in front of me.  I call it “The Runog Program”.  This has a lot of advantages over others as it brings about synchronicity and balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Why Runog? Runog comes from two words, namely run or running and yog or yoga.  The two together make a potent combination.  Running can help lose weight fast and yoga can tone the muscles and take care of cramps and strains.  I love running in the morning breathing the fresh air and have been practicing and teaching yoga for two decades.  Due t

How I have been getting up early effortlessly everyday for the last 10 years?

How I have been getting up early effortlessly everyday for the last 10 years? I have loved getting up early since my childhood.  My friends and I had a wonderful time running around in orchards in the summer and skating down the mountain nearby.  When I grew up, I had given up the habit due to office pressure and life-situation changes.  Then, a few years ago I felt the need to get back on track.  Like me, many people have given up the habit of early rising.  In the modern world, “early to bed” has been replaced with “late night this and that” and this, consequently, has made getting up early a difficult task.  So, a lot of people cannot go to bed at 9 p.m. and if you suggest this to them they will laugh it out and understandably so.  I use a strategy that helps me to sleep less and thus makes available to me more time than I had previously.  This has been my strategy for getting up early for the last 10-12 years for various reasons. And it is flexible, meaning you can modify it